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Getting Started With Courses

What is a course?

A course is a grouping of individuals, a Grader Than Workspace configuration (optional) and Assignments (optional). Organized together, these components make up your class's structure.

  • Individuals - These are the people that are enrolled in your course. You and your students.
  • Workspace configuration - This is a blue print for how the individual's workspaces will be designed. Each individual in your class has their own Grader Than Workspace. Learn more about Grader Than Workspaces.
  • Assignment - This is an auto graded homework assignment that you may use for programmatic Java and Python assignments. Learn more about Assignments.

In order to take advantage of the Grader Than Workspaces or Auto Grader, you must first create a course.

Grader Than is NOT a substitute for your LMS

Though there are many similarities between how resources are organized in Grader Than and your LMS, the two are different. Your LMS is designed to handle a wide variety of general school related tasks and resources. Grader Than is designed to orchestrate the technology used in your course. In the most ideal situation, you would have a set of links from your LMS or syllabus to individual Grader Than resources, specifically the student's Grader Than Workspace and individual assignments.

Create a Course