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In this section, you have control over the assignment's metadata, such as the title, description, and overall visibility. After you have filled in title and description fields, feel free to preview the assignment from your student's perspective.

  • Title - This is the general name of the assignment that the students will see in their course page.
  • Visibility - Use this slider to determine if your students can see the assignment. When the assignment is hidden, all courses that reference this assignment will lose access. Additionally, when the assignment is hidden, your students will not be able to view their submissions nor results.
  • Description - This is where you may write a description of the assignment's problems. This will be displayed to your students in the student's assignment page.

Open assignment details

1) To view your assignment's details, open the Assignments page by clicking the Assignment assignment assignment icon button in the activity bar, on the left side of the screen.

2) On the Assignments page, click the blue Open button that corresponds to the assignment that you'd like to open.

3) Now that the Assignments page is open, in the bar at the top of the screen, click the tab labeled Details.